Clinical Supervision

Practitioners in the caring profession can feel depleted, unskilled and at times even overwhelmed when working with clients in emotional distress and crisis. Supervision is there to help you rejuvenate, resource and reflect so you can be effectively there for your clients with insight and heartfelt presence.

Who could benefit from clinical supervision?

Any professional either through an organization or in private practice who holds client’s process and wishes to receive guidance and support including:

  • Psychotherapists and Counsellors,
  • Complementary therapists, kinesiologists, yoga teachers, coaches,
  • Professionals in the health service,
  • Teachers, counsellors and managers in education,
  • Chaplains and those offering spiritual guidance
  • Mindfulness practitioners/teachers

I offer in person as well as online supervision. My approach is informed by mindfulness and I offer a contemplative framework, to explore and reflect on your work, in comfort and safety. Supervision is now a formalised ethical requirement for all psychotherapy and counselling practitioners. Increasingly, I have found that other professionals have felt the need to bring their work for their own development, resourcing and to ensure a quality of service.

Each supervision agreement is unique, however for guidance, the following gives an overview of a session:

  • Agreeing practical arrangements and the supervision contract
  • Creating space to check in and become centred
  • Presentation of client work; a live work issue; its impact both internally and externally
  • Reflection and exploration of what’s arising and integration
  • Identifying any parallel processes, realisations that may arise in supervision
  • Clarifying future action points and ending

Please contact me if you would like to discuss clinical supervision further:

M: 083 1117650


© Geraldine Griffin

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